My Projects Feed

I Finished Writing My Poetry Collection!!!

Hello, folks!

Yes, yes, yes, today, I reached a huge writing achievement for me: I finished my poetry collection!!!


VhwN(My sweetheart Rachel Berry from Glee, thank you very much!)

This might not seem "big", but to me it is: it's the first lengthy and professional writing project I finished. 


So, this means a lot, and it makes me burst with pride and enthusiasm.

Through illnesses (yes, several), deep grief for my beloved grandparents, and many other bad events, I managed to hang on and seal the deal with my poetry.

Finally, I can do something big with my poetry! Like self-publishing!!!

Next step? 

Well, I'll soon be reaching out to you dears for Beta Readers, so be on the lookout, won't you?

Please note there are Trigger Warnings, such as: death, abuse, suicide, murder, blood, self-harm

On the upside, it's an immersive reading where we go from status quo to the deep end and up to life and hope. It explores all of this through micro-stories and personal poems. 

If you'd like to get a taste of my poetry, please go here for The Queen of Justice (what I call one of my "positive" poems) and here for Cold (a much darker poem, Trigger Warnings apply here). These two give you a glimpse at the range and intensity of my poems.

Still interested? Amazing! 

If you already want to sign up as a Beta Reader, please do send me a message at [email protected] or on Twitter (@CatGV6)

Don't forget to contact me to be one of my Beta Readers, loves!

See you next post!


Animated gif about girl in mt: Legally Blonde the musical 🎀💖🌸 by -Na



Music Playlist for The Wolf Legacy

Hello, dear folks!

I went forward and created a Spotify playlist for my serialized story The Wolf Legacy so I could share with you my feelings and mood when writing it. 


Photo by Björn Grochla on Unsplash

Graphic by Casthavian


Fun thing is: I've included songs which are from Masha's point of view (my main character), Anastasia's, a few from the Wolves' perspectives, and others for general ambiance and mood of the story.

You don't know Anastasia yet? You're missing out! But it can be helped: you can read the latest episode (the 4th one) as well as the previous ones FOR FREE on Tapas

Be ready and do not cry wolf! 

Unless it's hunting you. 


Also, make sure to leave a comment, a like, or subscribe over on Tapas! It helps my story get monetized and keeps me writing more chapters regularly for you to enjoy.

On this, I hope to see you hunting Wolves with Masha and Anastasia in ancient Rus over on And don't forget to give the story's playlist a listen!

See you next time, lovelies!

The Wolf Legacy Banner


My New Story "The Wolf Legacy" Published on Tapas! (FREE)

Would you like to read a darker, feminist, fantasy retelling of Little Red Riding Hood?

I've got just the right story for you!

The Wolf Legacy published every Monday on by yours truly! ;)

Want to know more? Scroll down this page, check the cover and read the blurb!


IMG_3211Photo by Miriam Espacio on Unsplash

Design by Casthavian


Masha and her Babushka know the Wolves aren't what they seem. As the new Huntress, who inherited the gift of heightened perception from her grand-mother, she tracks and kills the wolves who prey on the villagers. But when Masha witnesses the worst possible event, she is bent on revenge. Little does she know she will encounter a child with heavy origins that will put Masha's moral code to the test as well as her heart. The more she spends time with the girl, the more she will discover her own past might hide harsh secrets, too... But secrets can quickly turn into nightmares. Oh, Wolf, what will you do when a Huntress is coming for you?



Take my hand, we'll walk (or sprint!) through this Russian forest of old together... and meet the Huntress and the Wolves.

You can read the first episode NOW FOR FREE over at (or their app!). My posting schedule is every Monday, so expect new exciting instalments every week! :D

I hope to connect with you over there, loves!

The Wolf Legacy Banner

The Clock: A Vampire Short Story

Hello folks!

I've got a treat for you -not yet a trick!- right for the month of Halloween! 

Honestly, it's a beloved short story of mine titled "The Clock", which I wrote about a year ago. All my critique partners loved it and several suggested I should make a novel, if not a series out of it! 

And since I love everything vampire, these characters, and I even kept wondering what happened to them after the end of the short story... So, of course, I gladly decided to go with their suggestion.

For Preptober (if you don't know what it is, it's a month during which those participating in NaNoWriMo prepare their story, plot it out and flesh out their characters), I chose "The Clock" to develop into a full-length novel. But I've a hint it will grow into a series... I couldn't be happier about that!

Enjoy my short story, which is below the graphic I made of the ambiance and my characters, and be on the lookout for my Preptober post coming very soon!

Leave a comment to tell me whether you enjoyed it or not, and please share!

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Blood, violence, nudity. 


The Clock

(Sir Roman is Henry Cavill and Agnieszka is Rachelle Lefèvre)


The moon is rising, her divine light shining down on the Baroque Moszna castle before me. Its ninety-nine spires attempting to rip the moon apart. I smirk. Home is where the heart is. It's been a long time coming. But I'm ready.

I rake my wet hair and leave my old BMW behind. We might be in 2019, but the antique style still gets to me. I guess how long I lived leaves traces where it can...

My coat flaps in the wind and I groan as a rotting leaf catches my face. Nothing will ruin this! NOTHING! I came here for a reason. A purpose I've long coveted. And hell be broken loose if I don't get what I want. The walk to the arched wooden doors takes an eternity, and trust me, I recognise it when I see her. She's been my partner in crime forever now.

But tonight, I will betray her.

If I had a breath, I would be out of it by now. Instead, I lift my hand and knock on the door, my white knuckles rasping on its coarse wood. I glance around me and observe the pouring rain and lightning cutting the sky. The thunder roars all around me. How tempting. How cursed. The door groans open like a bear awoken before his time. I don't smile at the small, insignificant man before me. Instead, I bore my eyes into his, keeping my voice to myself.

He's so nervous his head keeps bobbing up and down, his sleek black hair jumping out of its stiff hairdo and his thin mustache twitches. 

"Oh, Sir Roman. The girls are ready," he chats like a mouse. "We've followed your every instruction."

I nod curtly and slip past him. Even though I've got all the time in the universe, idling away is unacceptable with me. When I want something done, it's now. Not in a second, not tomorrow. Now. He'd better learn it fast or he won't last.

"Please, Sir, enter here," the mouse gestures to the right door as he scrambles up to me. "We've only used the purest blood and the most stunning maidens. For you."

My head snaps to him. "I don't see who else it could have been for since I'm the one who ordered this," I hiss through my teeth.

"Yes, right. My apologies, good Sir. Please, I hope this will satisfy your hunger," he tells me with a low bow before retreating into the darkened hall.

I observe him for a minute, unnerved, and decide to let him live. For now. I walk into the stone room and find a delicious sight. I lick my lips in rising anticipation and delight.

Twelve nude women are bound and tied in a clock-ordered manner, with the most gorgeous one in the center. While they're all a pleasing view, what with the blood dripping down from their head down their face elegantly and their frightened stares, the one in the center gets all of my attention after the first look. The blood they put on her head is the purest-newborn's blood. She's got golden Mayan-like earrings, and she's looking around her, her mouth slightly opened in shock. She's trying to get her bearings, but I won't let her. Her fiery hair features a golden clip on the middle of her nape while the rest flows majestically around her shoulders. She's perfect.

The red head looks at me next, searching in my eyes an answer I don't offer her. Not yet. The thrill is ecstatic. It floods through my empty veins and I can't contain the small smile I give her. She closes her mouth and I'm sure she's judging me, judging this and what I might do to her. The others keep whining, but she, oh no, she simply stares, terrified, yes, but with a firm resolve to pass through this.

Indeed, she's the right choice.

I make my way to the centre of this human clock, like an arrow aiming for the heart of a lovesick fool. The women all cry and crawl the best they can with their hands and legs tied. My beautiful has only her hands tied. Why mess with something excellent? My instructions were indeed respected.

She won't have to die tonight. At least, forever.

Standing next to her in the middle of the infernal clock, I look down and see her peering up at me with those lioness's eyes, vaguely veiled by fear. She might be the prey here, but I know she can be the predator in order to survive. To rule.

"Stand." My curt voice echoes on the damp, rough walls. Nothing interests me more than she does.

In all her elegance, she moans and hoists herself up with her gracious legs. My help wasn't even required-or she deemed it important to make a point. That she didn't need me. And I bet she doesn't, but I do. Oh, how I do.

We're staring into each other's eyes; hers gray like a crystal, mine dark as charcoal. Her chin lowers subtly, but she's still supporting my gaze. Perfection.

"What is your name?" I rasp out, my breathing hitched.

Cries and shuffling permeate the background. But they sound like mice to me. The stunning woman in the ritual is the only one who has my true focus. I lick my lips as I watch a drop of blood drip down her upper lip.

"Agnieszka," she whispers in one breathe, her full and curvy lips moving gently.

I lift my hand and reach out to her neck in a calculated motion.

"Agnieszka..." Her name rolls on my tongue like thick and sweet red wine.

She tenses under my sudden grip, but still I come to her, sticking my body as close to hers as possible. My black coat swishes against her bare legs. In less than a second, I stab her in the neck with my acerated canines. Agnieszka gasps softly, and it's as though she knows there's no escaping me: she doesn't fight. The other girls have served their purpose in the clock, so I don't give a damn when they scream and cry and try to run away despite their chains.

Agnieszka's blood tastes like candy. Or at least, what I remember from it. It's as sweet as honey and pets de soeurs. And though it flows in and out of my mouth in large gushes, it's easy to swallow.

At some point, she hangs limply in my arms. I can hear my henchmen's intrigued mumbling. All eyes are riveted on us. Perfect. Her lips turn a striking blue and her skin white as snow.

The mumbling turns to whispers then astonished cries as my Agnieszka moans and moves in my arms. The men let out sounds of admiration while the girls shriek and cower, but I don't look at them. Only Agnieszka matters.

"My Lady," I tell her in a soothing voice.

She flutters her eyelids then her gaze fixes upon me. And I smile. She might be dead but she's more beautiful to me now. I hold her upright, gently but with a firm embrace, and her eyes dart over mine. She's searching for answers. She'll learn in time. An eternity is plenty.

Although at a loss, Agnieszka grins at me. She takes a slow look around the audience and the somber scene. When her eyes settle back on me, there's this spark of understanding... and desire I have been waiting after.

"Agnieszka, my Lady of the Night," I say formally.

I take out the key to her freedom from my inside coat pocket. Intently, I insert it in her chains' keylock and turn. They fall to the floor with a dull but loud noise. I lift my gaze back to her and offer my warmest smile—a silent promise.

She cups my cheek and tilts her head. Then, she distances herself and stands on her own with her head held high. Blood is dripping seductively down her nudity. Agnieszka winks at me and dips her index in a furrow of blood. Bringing it to her lips, she licks it and everyone can see how her canine teeth are now pointy, acerated.

I've found her at last. I didn't want to spend the rest of eternity alone though centuries passed and there was no one beside me. But choosing a worthy, strong-minded woman for our future together was crucial. This metamorphosis into a creature of the night, the vampyr, is almost instantaneous. It changes even the prey's perceptions and feelings towards the one who sired them. Now she loves me and I will love her. United forever, a vampyr's love song.

Grinning, I slip my arm into hers and we face our spectators. My henchmen kneel and chant:

"Welcome to the night, O Lady!"

I turn to my queen and gestures at the pathetic, though beautiful ladies curling up in fear.

"And now we feast."

New Chapter Published on Inkitt: Rise of a Heroine: Resurgence (YA Superhero Novel)

Amy's Quote - Mimi (Instagram)-3


Hello, folks!

Are you missing Miranda Kane like me? Well, I've got good news: there's a new chapter of Rise of a Heroine: Resurgence up on Inkitt for you to read for free

In this chapter, Miranda, overwhelmed by remorse at her supposedly incapacity to save her best friend during the assault by Thomas Lance, goes to visit Amy, her bestie, at the hospital. As the chapter progresses, the two friends exchange strong emotions and tears as well as hard truths. Miranda's also starting to get into her head that something needs to change... and maybe she'll be the one to bring it about. 

Don't forget to read it here!

Also, please comment or like on Inkitt as it boosts my visibility and chances to get a publishing deal! You'll have to create an account, but it takes five minutes, so please consider doing it for me and Miranda Kane? 

I hope you enjoy reading it!

See you soon with the next chapter, my loves!

Melissa Benoist - Benoistmotion | [Animations] #2: She looks amazing on  repeat! - Fan Forum

A New Blog Post Series - Artists & Writing: Interview with Valentin Romero, Illustrator & Graphic Designer


Hello, lovely folks!

So, today I bring you a new series of blog posts: Artists & Writing. I want to focus on the artists, to elevate the stunning and inspiring work they do, and to link all kinds of inspiration and art with writing. Because in my own view, writing is art, too. 

As for the artists, I welcome all kinds, whether they're illustrators, home interior designers, fashion designers, animators, film producers... I want to expand people's view and understand of art. And to perceive its connection to writing and words and imagination overall.

I hope this series touches you in some way or perhaps inspires you.

My first guest? 

Please welcome the amazing illustrator & graphic designer, Valentin Romero! He was kind enough to agree to this interview when I contacted him. I thought he would be a great person and artist to feature on my blog as he seemed to like my idea for this series and he is quite inspiring. His work is just jaw-dropping.

Enjoy the interview, loves!


137Mighty Thor / Jane Foster by Valentin Romero, @valentinromeroart, 2021.


Interview with an Artist: Valentin Romero


1- What is your greatest achievement and why?

I remember that my greatest achievement was going to my 1st Convention, it was in 2019. It was in a big city that was about 100 km from my hometown. At the time I was on the other side of the country, due to university, but I was free at the time, so I took a plane there. It was great, I met a lot of my fans, talked to them and more. I had a nice time. Some of my friends came to congratulate me, and family members too. I had many other invitations to other conventions, but due to Covid they were canceled, so it's a shame, but safety comes first so we'll have to wait.

2- How did you come to work on Mortal Kombat, and what exactly was your main task?

It was an incredible opportunity, since I was a kid I played Mortal Kombat so it was a great moment to be able to officially collaborate. Mortal Kombat had collaborated with rapper Megan Thee Stallion, which I adore so it was a great opportunity. Megan was going to do a streaming video playing MK and she had also done a cosplay of the character of Mileena. My task was to design a poster of Megan as Mileena to transmit during streaming. Megan's reaction was so sweet so thanks to Megan and all the Mortal Kombat people who trusted me.

3- When did you start illustrating and graphic design as a hobby, and what attracted you to it?

I started illustrating digitally at the same time that I opened my Instagram account, about 2 years ago. All as a hobby since I recently graduated from high school. What brought me to this world was seeing that there were more possibilities to make art separate from the traditional. Being a cinematographer and artist, the movie posters, the concept art, the effects, the color palettes, etc., caught my attention. So I started using Photoshop from scratch and no one ever taught me anything, it was learning curiosity and investigating each function. Over time I got some digital tablets and that improved my techniques

4- What made you realize art was what you wanted to do as your career?

I was always an artist so more less I always knew that I was going to end up doing something related to art. I am currently studying Graphic Design, they do not teach me things related to programs or Morphology. The market is updating every day so I think the university should do it too. But if I'm honest with you, it would really be a dream come true to be able to play Wiccan in the MCU, I have studied acting apart from design, I am the right age and I am physically perished to the actor Julian who played him in his child version and also in the version adult from comics. Besides being gay, I would love to be able to give an excellent representation in this world of superheroes.

5- What is your professional journey?

My professional career was always based on commissions and these collaborations like Mortal Kombat. My followers ask me to transform them into a character and I love it, it is a good way to get out of the ordinary. I was also in a design studio for a few months learning about machines and it was a good experience.

6- As an illustrator and graphic designer working online as well, do you find it easier to find jobs online or in person, for example via conventions?

In my case, I live in a relatively small city so in person I don't see it as a viable option. The internet has given me more possibilities by having a greater exposure and I am always open to job proposals either in Argentina or abroad. One platform that has served me a lot was LinkedIn and obviously Instagram.

7- What made you choose digital art over traditional art?

I think that what led me to choose digital was the fact of realism. As I told you, I really like posters and photography and being able to combine it with a design software like Photoshop that gives you infinite possibilities is a great advantage. But in the same way I always sketch some ideas before starting a design in photoshop.

8- I watched your videos on your YouTube channel where you transform an actual picture into posters or other versions of the characters. Can you tell us what motivates you to do that and keep improving?

What always motivates me is to continue creating everything I imagine and to be able to give life to projects or ideas that I have in my mind and I would like to see them realized. Also give my followers constant content. But whenever I have a good idea and it motivates me, I put all my attention on making it as perfect as possible. I always practice new techniques "off camera" so I can apply them later. I have to buy better equipment, I always wanted to be a youtuber and have my content, but I don't have to have time to edit. Also as I mentioned I do a lot of practice outside the camera but I would also like to do something more of the lifestyle channel or something like that but I am locked up a lot so I do not know. There are days that I want to do everything and other days I just want to be with myself. But I would really like to do it, really.

9- What does a typical day look like for you as an artist?

Well, as we are in a pandemic there is not much to do, but I live in a relatively small city so we have a little more freedom. I am studying my first year in a virtual way at the university. I do not like it very much since I miss meeting new people or going to campus, so now I take classes 3 times a week via webcam but that alone so the process is quite boring and slow. But since I have most of my free time, I like to draw sketches all day. It is always good to practice. I also play Valorant online, it is a game that I discovered in this pandemic and I love it so I always play. I live 5 minutes away from the Atlantic ocean so I always go by bike for some long walks, on the other side of the city is full of mountains so it is also good to go for a walk. I also take my time every day to respond to comments or messages and check my networks a bit.

10- What advice would you give artists to break into the art world?

Artists who are just starting out in the networks always ask me what advice I could give them, or how I learned, etc. I think the best I can tell you is not to be ashamed to upload your art, out there they think that it is not so good to publish it but not all of us are born learning so there is no need to be ashamed of anything. After consistency is something important, always be practicing to improve and in the long run you will see the results .. And finally, publish what you want, do not pigeonhole into a single topic because otherwise you will get bored quickly.

11- Do you have specific study methods to improve your skills?

I think not, basically I am drawing all day, perfecting anatomy, postures, expressions etc. As for photoshop, I'm always trying new techniques or seeing how I combine my images and bringing my ideas to life. I always keep in mind details like lights, color palettes. The key for me is consistency and daily practice. That's it.

12- What are your favorite learning resources?

I love Pinterest, there are many ideas out there. I took some online courses at Domestika but they were mostly to perfect little things. YouTube always has some advice to implement but I don't like to copy the tutorials exactly as I like to develop my style. My last design class was one given by the designer Gina DeDomenico, she is a conceptual artist and did work for "Titans" "Stargirl" "The Boys" among others

13- Has any book inspired you, or is there any book you found helpful, whether fiction or non-fiction?

I have always read a lot since I was a kid. My dad was always giving me books, some were "Pride and Prejudice" "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" "Martin Fierro" "The Little Prince" "To Kill a Mockingbird" among others. These books always gave me a lot of imagination and opened my mind. Then I started reading the comics and one of the ones I read recently and I liked a lot was "young avengers by gillen & mckelvie" the truth is that I loved that style of illustration too much, along with the colors and the characters so it is one of my marvel favorites.

14- What are your thoughts on the different types of art? Do you feel inspired by movies, tv shows, books, crafting…?

Yes, of course. I find a lot of inspiration in movies, series, music videos, comics, etc. I really like to experiment with textures or colors that I see for example in music videos. Doja Cat is one of the artists who puts the most style in her videos in terms of art, so I really like talking about her videos, for example. I really like "Avengers Assemble" , the animation I liked a lot when I saw it. I also like the simple sketches, I think that not everything has to be complex to be beautiful. I love crafting, I used to make bracelets when I was 14 I remember with some rubber bands in school.

15- Do you think an art type can feed the other art types and vice versa? How does this affect you?

I think so. For example, I'm a lot of sketching poses, faces, costumes all day, and then I like to use markers to finish that drawing. I do this many times before starting a piece in digital. Since I don't like doing sketches in digital so much, I got used to pencil and paper. So I am always combining these techniques in my creative process. I also took painting classes for 3 years and I really like it, so it helped me a lot with environments and painting techniques, some of them I apply in digital with some digital brushes, maybe for environment, clothes, skin texture, etc.


Valentin Romero


Art Shop (InPrnt)





As a final word, I really hope you enjoyed this exclusive interview with this incredible and friendly artist. He was a joy to work with! If you'd like to be featured on my blog as an artist, please do reach me at [email protected] with an example and description of what you do! If you're not an artist in a "traditionally known way" (such as architects, and so on) but think it might count as art, I highly encourage you to contact me as well so we can discuss your idea! I think the more art types are known, the better we'll be for it.

Let's spread art, woohoo!

Thank you for being with me on this adventure, darlings, and see you next post!

Pin on GIF

A New Chapter for You to Read & And I'm Almost Finished Writing My Novel

Hi, folks!

I've got two news for you relating to my novel Rise of a Heroine: Resurgence, a.k.a Miranda Kane (my main character). 

So, I'm using Inkitt, a publishing platform similar to Wattpad, to post my novel online and land a publication contract with said platform. 

Unfortunately, I've been neglecting it those last few months... BUT FEAR NOT! I am back in the ring with the 7th chapter now posted and ready for you to read!

YAY! Are you excited? I AM EXCITED! :D

melissa benoist gifs Page 4 | WiffleGif

You can read my first 7 chapters and 2 prologues FOR FREE over at Inkitt: Rise of a Heroine: Resurgence    

Please, sign up and leave a comment and/or rating. It really helps making my story known and gives me the opportunity to be offered a contract! 


In addition to these news, I want to announce that:


I've written 40 chapters out of 52 already! I'M SOON GETTING THERE!

Honestly, I'm looking at my novel like this:

Supergirl Melissa Benoist GIF - Supergirl MelissaBenoist KaraDanvers -  Discover & Share GIFs

Genuine love, passion, tenderness, and awe. A bit of uncertainty, too. That's what I feel for it. 


I hope you'll give reading a try over at Inkitt, and that you'll enjoy my novel as much as I do. 

Also, I made a vow to myself and you that I'd now upload a new chapter on Inkitt every two weeks. So, be prepared (*cue Scar's theme song from The Lion King here*) 

Also, if you're wondering why I'm using Melissa Benoist in all my GIFs, it's because of this choice of face claims and here's a bonus graphic.

See you next post, lovelies!

TV Show Scene Excerpt - Philip at the Restaurant

Hi, loves!

I've continued writing my TV show, and I managed to finish Philip's exercise scene I mentioned in DaphnĂ©'s scene. Hopefully, you will connect with Philip and his quirky but loving personality. 

Who is my faceclaim for dear Philip Grayson? The amazing Cameron Monaghan, ladies, gents, and all other folks! Yes, in my head, my Philip is a redhead ^.^.

This GIF of his is my favorite because it's perfect display of my Philip's whole kind yet unstable attitude, vibe, and energy:


Being “friends with benefits” with Mason Ashford...


Here's my scene for Philip at the restaurant (happy reading!):



Philip sits at a small round table. He adjusts his proper jacket and looks around the restaurant in a calm, poised manner. He takes it all in. He taps with his index on the table without noticing it, and watches the waiters and waitresses giving and taking orders, all bustling around him.


Hello, Sir. Can I offer you wine and appetizers?

Philip startles as he looks at the waiter to his right. He chuckles and smiles with a characteristic warmth and kindness.


Absolutely. A bottle of red wine, your best, and bruschetti, please.


Are you waiting for someone?

Philip glances at his polished shoes, then smiles shyly.


Yeah. I'll wait before ordering, if you don't mind.


Not at all, Sir.

The waiter nods and leans closer. Philip straightens up, puzzled.


May I suggest the baked fish with lemon cream sauce?

Philip stares into the waiter's mischievous eyes, awaiting an answer to his unspoken question.


It serves wonders to impress the ladies...

Philip bursts out laughing nervously. He shakes his head and looks at the waiter.


Who says I'm waiting for a lady? It could be a man. You're not bad either yourself...



Thank you, Sir. I return the compliment. But with your behaviour and proper clothes, you're clearly looking to please.

Philip smiles and cocks his head, flirty. His smile turns into a grimace.



Don't we all?


Actually, no. Still, I suggest the baked fish with lemon cream sauce, it's astounding.

The waiter winks at Philip and walks away. Philip watches him go as if in a daze. The restaurant doorbell tinks, but Philip keeps staring before him. Daphné lowers her head in his field of vision, smiling.


Hi, Phil. You look superb.

Philip opens wide eyes and grin. He jumps to his feet and opens the chair for her across from him.


I'm nothing compared to you, Daph. Look at yourself!

Philip gestures at her gorgeous red dress and elegant hairstyle. Daphné giggles and puts a lock of hair behind her ears before sitting down. Philip helps her, then takes back his seat.


Have you ordered?

Philip bites his lower lip as he observes her, a loving look in his eyes.


No, I was waiting for you.


Oh, you shouldn't have. You know what I like, so...


I'd wait eons for you, so a few minutes isn't a problem.

Daphné grins, then clears her throat.


Thanks for taking me here. We travel so much, yet such places seem... out of reach.

Philip nods, undisclosed emotions battling on his features.


What are best friends for, huh?

Daphné laughs.


You're the best!


I try to please.

Philip opens wide eyes and his smile falls as he realizes what he's just said.


I see your guest has arrived. May I take your order now?

Daphné gasps, turning her head to the waiter. Philip startles again before chuckling.


You're magic, man... Sure.

Philip glances at Daphné, who looks at him with a fond smile. Philip breathes deeply, straightening up with confidence and pride.


I'll take the maple glazed salmon with rice, and she'll take the baked fish with lemon cream sauce.

Daphné fakes shock as he orders for her, but she looks pleased he knows what to order to please her. The waiter raises an eyebrow at Philip, then smirks.


You've made the right choice, Sir.

A mutual understanding passes between the two men that the choice applies to Daphné.


I'll come back with your wine and appetizers.


Thank you.

The waiter leaves. Philip turns back to Daphné, proud. Daphné laughs and shakes her head.


I don't know how you'll pay for all this... Let me help.


No. I saved, that's all. I'm treating you to something better for once.


Why? You don't have to.

Philip looks awkward and vulnerable.


For a change... Because you deserve the best.

Daphné lets out an appreciative sound and looks around them. She then leans over the table and nudges him roughly on the shoulder. Philip laughs.


Thanks, this is nice.

Philip winks at her. The waiter comes back and puts down the wine glasses and the bottle before them as well as appetizers, then leaves again. Philip picks up the bottle and pours Daphné and himself some wine.


(picks up his glass)

To us.


Always us.

They grin at each other and clink their glasses on their promise.


(Don't you just get he yearns to say this to DaphnĂ©? ;))

Did you like it? I rather love the distinct format for screenwriting? What do you think of Philip? Did you like him? What about Daphné? Or their friendship?

I've got a lovely story about this character and a hint about what's to come in the TV show: When I first thought of the show, I'd just watched the episode of Gotham in which we see Jerome (played by Cameron Monaghan) for the first time. So, when I imagined my own Philip, I swear he always came with that faceclaim and no matter how hard I tried to change it to see if others would fit best, this face stuck. But I'm okay with this! Philip was my favorite of the two main characters from the get-go. He is kind, unstable, gentle, intense in love (this will cause and sustain the plot), smart, and caring. He brought in the basis of the show: his and DaphnĂ©'s relationship which grows from deep friendship to something profoundly more complicated. He's not what I'd call a villain per se, but he sure raises the stakes in more ways than one. 

If you have any questions or comments for me about screenwriting, this scene or Philip, please leave comments or contact me on Twitter at @CatGV6 or by email! I'll be so glad to discuss this with you. 

See you next post, lovelies! I intend on writing a fun and emotional scene of them texting and facetiming with each other. Stay tuned for more!


TV Show Introduction & Scene Excerpt - Daphné at the Restaurant

Hello, folks!

So, I've told you a year ago how I started screenwriting. I love it! While I paused the writing of my movie, I'm having a blast writing my TV show, The Carousel! I took three screenwriting courses, including one last month for a TV show pilot and it was not only extremely enjoyable but also very informative (which I'll tell you about in another post as a review). As an exercise in the last course, I had to write a scene where my protagonist went to a restaurant alone. Since I have two protagonists, Daphné and Philip, I decided to write two scenes.

Thus, I am sharing the scene with DaphnĂ© so you can get a taste of my screenwriting and connect with her (hopefully). 

My face claim for Daphné Vegas? Camila Cabello, ladies, gents, and all other folks!

I particularly love this GIF because, as you'll see in the scene, this is the perfect display of my Daphné's whole attitude, vibe, and energy:

I got the stuff that you want I got the thing that you need I got mo…  #fanfiction #Fanfiction #amreading #books #w… | Camila cabello, Cabello  hair, Lauren jauregui


So, here is my scene for Daphné at the restaurant (enjoy!):



You sure you're not coming?

Daphné walks into the diner, speaking on the cellphone. She looks around her.


No, it's fine. Another time. See you tonight, Phil.

Daphné hangs up and puts the phone away in her black leather jacket. She licks her lips and goes to the counter to order. She stands straight and proud, her short boots tapping the tiled floor.


Hello, I'd like a--

The foreign man behind the counter lifts a finger to silence her as he finishes writing down on a receipt. Daphné snaps her head backward, offended, and scoffs as she crosses her arms over her chest.



What'd you say?


(opens wide eyes)

Nothing, I couldn't finish.

Silence. The cashier nods slowly but still smiles at her. Daphné relents and uncrosses her arms, gently tapping her boot on the floor.


I mean: I'll take a hamburger with mustard, onions, tomatoes, and salad, please. Add a root beer. No take-out. Thanks.

The cashier nods, writes down the order on an old receipt. With a wink, he turns and gives the paper to an Arab woman who cooks the order. Daphné waits, looking curiously at the several pictures from their home country.


Here. 9.76$ please.

He smiles at her and opens his palm. Daphné forces a smile and takes out a debit card. The cashier's smile vanishes. Daphné raises an eyebrow and keeps the card up in mid-air.


You take debit, right?




The cashier hands her the debit machine roughly. Daphné exhales loudly by the nose and slides her card. She gives the machine back with a glare, then picks up her tray and goes to sit at the farthest table, near the bay window.

Daphné eats for a while as she watches calmly passers-by and other customers come in. When she's done, she stands up and gazes at the tray questioningly. She gives in and takes it to the counter. When she reaches the door, the cashier calls out to her.


(curt nod)

See you next time!



No lo creo, nah... AdiĂłs.

She smiles sarcastically and waves at him. Then, she whirls around and leaves quickly.


Camila Cabello Imagines/Gifs - 10. - Wattpad

Did you like it? I rather love the distinct format for screenwriting? What do you think of Daphné? Did you like her?

I've got a funny story about her strong character: While I loved her, I couldn't really grasp her whole personality unlike Philip (her childhood best friend). I thought she was the calm and peaceful one, but writing this scene, I realized she was the one with the loud mouth and ready retorts. Haha, I laughed so hard! So, Philip is the calm and polite one. They both surprised me (mostly Daphné!). In the end, thanks to this exercise, I fell in love with Daphné even more deeply, and now I got a good grasp on her.

If you have any questions or comments for me about screenwriting, this scene or DaphnĂ©, please leave comments or contact me on Twitter at @CatGV6 or by email! I'll be so glad to discuss this with you. 

See you next post, lovelies! I'll come back with the scene for Philip!


More Than Halfway Through My Novel and Other Projects

Miranda Kane

Get this: I’m at the 70% mark in my novel The Rise of a Heroine: Resurgence!!! Yup, I’m nearly at 3/4 and I think my progress amazing!

I never got this far in any of my books, but this one’s really hitting it (if I may say so what with Miranda being a boxing student).

I’ve been really stuck with the plot of the ending last week, BUT I found solutions and I’m ready to resume writing it. I’ll ?%$#$%? smash my goal and write “The End” soon. Hooray!

Miranda Kane and Thomas Lance are my lovelies and I can’t wait for you all to meet them and have my book in your hands, whether it be in physical, ebook, or audiobook!



(Melissa Benoist is my Miranda Kane’s faceclaim. And look, she’s ready, too!)


(Dylan O’Brien is my Thomas Lance’s faceclaim. Hmmm, Thomas is more doubtful about the whole thing, though… Hahah.)


Until then, wish me luck! I’ll go back to writing—it’s my last stretch with drafting!

I’m so ready for this! *punches her palm*


Secret Project

There’s also a secret project of mine I picked back up. It’s an old story that I… put away for a long while. I recently felt it in my bones again, you know? And I found solutions to the major blockage I had!

So, yeah, I’m actually excited about this. I’ll be shedding light on this project little by little. Hopefully, my progress will be easy (ha!) and steady (hm?).


Poetry Collection

Folks! I’m nearly done with my poetry collection. Yup! I wrote thirty poems or so, and I need about another 11 poems. After which I’ll polish them and send them to a professional editor. Soon, dears, soon you’ll be able to read them all in one place.

I’m also writing a new poetry collection, which is more personal in terms of themes and voice. And I’m starting one in French because hey, I live in Quebec, and we speak French first and foremost, so why not pair two of my favorite things?


World Building & Nightshade

Okay, get this: I picked up my Nightshade series again, but more for plotting and world building purposes. Why am I not writing it instead? Well, I find this story with the multiverse and the tangled storylines to be quite… intimidating. I don’t feel ready to tackle and do justice to this great series yet (I need more experience writing books), so I decided I’d still achieve progress by developing the plot (which sometimes gets messy) as well as the worlds we get to visit (and ain’t world building just fun?!?!??! YES!)

So, here I am, on a calm evening, scouring the Web for world building materials. And I found something quite interesting that turned out to be such an excellent surprise!

I ended up on Scribe Forge, and was hooked quickly by the collaborative work of authors and this genuinely interesting world building workbook.

So, you know what happened?

I purchased it. And I’m not mad. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised because not only is it really pretty (look at that fantasy cover! Actually, look at all their covers!), but for the hefty price (USD $20) it includes crucial information digested for you and classified according to their section (such as planets and space, society, resources, and more!) I mean, yeah, you get worksheets in those categories, sure, but real information and guidance on what to use to fill them. Uncertain about how to create a planet, its atmosphere and earth? Here you go, they’ve got you covered with important information on different atmospheres, types of earth, how lack of oxygen impacts the development of life, and so on!

I wasn’t expecting so much out of this workbook, in all honesty. Now I understand the price.

So far, I’m really pleased. I promise to use it for a while with Nightshade and then write a review about it for you, folks. Deal?


See you next post, lovelies!


(Lily Collins is my Rosellia Rowland-Lovelace in my Nightshade series)

Halfway Through, A Writing Tip, and A New Focus

WOW, guys and gals!

Guess what I reached last week? That's right, 50% of my novel Rise of a Heroine: Resurgence! I'M AT 50%!!! HALFWAY THROUGH! I might not be done with it, but I count this as a big win. It's the farthest I ever got in a novel of mine, so this is huge. But also quite motivating and humbling, since it's proof of how I can succeed at this. I'm longing for the first draft. Speaking of draft, here's a picture of my thick baby printed out (of course, it's half of it since that's what I got but still it's pretty good, right?):

Thick Book(Copyrighted by Catherine Girard-Veilleux, 2020)

Honestly, this book baby of mine is ENORMOUS. It has 294 pages, imagine that! Need I remind you that's only... half of it?!

Here's the awesome cover my best friend made for me on Inkitt: 


You can read the first 8 chapters here, too.

I always use Staples to print my books (or my progress at least) and I love their services. It's always ready in a day no matter how long or thick my document might be.

I prefer to print it out to edit it so I can see it better. But the truth is I hate to concentrate and narrow my eyes at the screen when revising; I prefer to hold the pages in my hands, and feel the book-in-the-making, you know? So it makes it more authentic, more real to me. But funny story is that due to its thickness, the rings for the binding I wanted weren't available; they were too small! So I had to pick my least favorite option, which is the ugly and large black plastic binding. Talk about chic... Anyways, at least I could choose a red cover. I don't know why but red always makes me think of Miranda Kane, probably because she's a boxing athlete and most boxing gloves are red. Or because she's fierce so red fits her. Either way, I'm glad I could get the red cover and the protective transparent cover. 

Now, why would it need editing since it's halfway through? Well, I've noticed a few anomalies in how boxing works, mostly for students. I had a kind and generous interview with the head/director of the FĂ©dĂ©ration quĂ©bĂ©coise de boxe olympique, which is the reference in QuĂ©bec. I thank him immensely for that. He informed me about how things worked and even used Miranda and her story as an example to describe her path. He was amazing and so understanding! Thanks to him, I now have essential information about the female boxing world and in general. So, due to these discrepancies, I decided to go over the half book I wrote and revised, fixing a few chapters and inconsistencies with the reality. Then, and only then, will I be able to go forth and write more realistically. Because something big is coming for Miranda Kane, and I have to be ready too, you know? 

I have a strange way of writing books (which I'll make a post about), but in general, I write the story, then at a point when it feels critical and I'm moving through quicksand, I stop writing for weeks and do research instead about what's not coming qwell too me in the writing, so I do interviews and read documentaries (even watch a few!) and so on. But while I like to be familiar with the topic when I start writing, it's never to a deep point, it's on the surface. And when I can't go forward anymore, that's when I take a step back and do research. I found it helps me see more potential for a story and even gives me more excitement as I find so many new avenues for the story to go. Okay, it might cause more rewriting, of course, but overall, it doesn't bog me down in the beginning and prevent me from going ahead with the writing for fear of not knowing never never never enough. So many people stay in the research stage out of fear of committing to writing. Research is fun, don't get me wrong, I love research. But I prefer writing my stories. So I hit a compromise: write a certain percentage of the story and when I can't go on anymore because too many details elude me, then do research, and dig deep! Then with a better view of it all, come back and win!! Write it all in a fury with a deep passion like fire is after me. Because I'm so happy I get a better grip on the details and on the story world.

So, while unusual and risky, that's exactly how I do it. And so far it's going well, I went farther than any other novel I started. So I'll keep it, thank you very much.

By the way, I decided to focus my blog, Ad Librum Aeternam, more on my writing journey and writing tips because I feel I've got tips to give now being halfway through my novel, which is more than some achieve. I have two series of posts coming up as well: one is on writing comics and the second is on screenwriting. I think there's not enough free resources about these two fields and since I love them and am writing in them in my spare time, I figured we could go on these two journeys together. Of course, writing novels, short stories and flash fiction stay the main focus of my blog. Expect more writing tips along the way! 

I can't wait to share with you  what I learned so far!